15-17 Oct 2024

Mastering Difficult Conversations & Feedback

Prepare for, lead & facilitate difficult conversations with skill, confidence & empathy

Empowering you to have more genuine, effective & constructive conversations

Difficult conversations are tricky, but they cannot be avoided. It is essential for leaders to have the confidence to identify and manage problems at work early on, before they escalate. Without the confidence to navigate difficult conversations, leaders may find themselves avoiding or delaying and actually perpetuating the problem. Generally speaking, this leads to more frustration, internal confusion and resentment and despite all this avoidance and delay – you still have to have the (now more) difficult conversation. The good news is that difficult conversations can be successfully managed and can achieve positive outcomes for all involved.

Attend this two day masterclass to transform your own performance in order to navigate difficult conversations well and deliver excellent feedback.

Download the Brochure