First Nations Authentic Leadership for Women

The First Nations Authentic Leadership for Women workshop is designed to empower both First Nations identified women and non-First Nations women by harnessing the strengths and wisdom of First Nations culture to enhance their leadership.
Through collective storytelling, reflection and shared vulnerability, this two day workshop will explore how you live your truth and stand in your power and resilience. It will explore how you nurture and build deeper connections to self, culture, and community.
Creating and taking space to nurture and invest in ourselves as human ‘beings’ is vital to our sustainability and our capacity to empower, enable and serve others. This is a space to take time for you, to check in with yourself and really explore and reconnect with who you are and align this to your season, your Dreaming (purpose) and values.
Why attend

Engage in a sacred women’s space that allows you to confront your challenges, provide healing & cultivate your wellbeing

Participate in a space of shared vulnerability & be taught through cultural ways of learning, knowing & being

Discover how to allow yourself the permission, time & space to embody & practice self-awareness & care

Develop confidence in your abilities to be able to live your truth & stand in your true power & resilience

Reinforce your connections to culture & community & reclaim your cultural identity

Understand how you honour the role you hold in your life, your roles & responsibilities, whilst weaving them in a way that honours & supports the other without conflict

Allow your journey to be led by your Dreaming & your Dreaming to guide your Eldership (Leadership)

Shantelle Thompson OAM, a proud Barkindji and Ngyampaa woman
Founder & Aunty Shan
Kiilalaana Foundation
I am a woman being the change she wishes to see in the world, starting within my own inner world and circles and allowing this to be a ripple effect by my being before my doing. I am walking this journey one step at a time and sharing my journey out loud to inspire and empower others to be their Warrior Heart in the world. I am Dream Walking Dream weaving my life to plant seeds and create ripple effects that will last long after I have left a space or this lifetime.
Message from Shantelle:
All the challenges currently facing the world are tough. And when you are an individual that carries extra roles, experiences, intersections and all of the ‘ands’ within your human experience these challenges can become amplified within your daily experiences and world.
It is one thing to say ‘be yourself in the world’ and ‘be authentic’; but what does this mean, feel or look like? For some of us being ‘authentic’ has come with danger and sacrifices for a world not created to see us thrive or succeed.
This is why I created the Warrior Heart movement – Warrior Heart; Stand in your power, be your truth and follow your heart”.
Your event experience

The support, guidance and teachings of an experienced storyteller, facilitator and role model

Learning grounded in culture and embedded with lived and living experiences

Build on and connect with a strong network of women who lead workplaces, families and communities
Who will attend
This masterclass is taught from First Nations practice, principle and protocols, and is available for First Nations identified women and non-First Nations women to attend from:
- Federal, State & Local Government
- Community & Non-for-Profit Organisations
- Aboriginal Community Controlled Organisations
- Universities
- Private Sector

All times shown in AEST
Day 1 | How to live your truth & be your Warrior Heart in the world
Opening of masterclass & facilitator introduction

Shantelle Thompson OAM (She/Her)
a proud Barkindji and Ngyampaa woman, Founder & Aunty Shan
Kiilalaana Foundation
Women’s ceremony & creating sacred space
- Who are you in your world, who are you being and is this your truth?
- Defining what truth and authenticity mean to you
- What does truth and authenticity look like in practice?
Morning break
Exploring what power & resilience look & feel like in your world
- Nurturing your inner strengths
- Serving from a foundation of well-being, sustainability, clarity, and conviction
Lunch break
Developing confidence in your abilities to be able to live your truth
- Enabling yourself to stand in your true power and resilience as a First Nations woman
- Allowing for time, space, and permission to practice living your truth
- Prioritising responsibility to self and self-leadership to best lead others
Afternoon break
Learning about life weaving, Dream Walking & Dream Weaving
- An alternative approach to trying to achieve balance
- How do you honour the roles you hold in your life, your roles, and responsibilities?
- How do you weave these together in a way that honours and supports each other without conflict?
- Allowing your journey to be led by your Dreaming, and your Dreaming to guide your Eldership (leadership)
Weaving & yarning session: Creating ceremony & defining sacred women’s practices
Close of masterclass
Day 2 | How to build deeper connections to self, culture & community
Opening of masterclass

Shantelle Thompson OAM (She/Her)
a proud Barkindji and Ngyampaa woman, Founder & Aunty Shan
Kiilalaana Foundation
Participating in a sacred women’s space
- A sacred space for shared vulnerability
- Being taught through cultural ways of learning, knowing and being
Morning break
Finding, accessing & connecting to culture
- Discover how you can find, access, and connect to culture
- Exploring what culture means to you in relation to your journey and stages of connection to your cultural identity
Lunch break
Barriers to connecting to, being strong in & practicing culture
- Addressing lateral violence, compounding responsibilities, and trauma as barriers to connecting to culture
- Making space and time to connect, practice and share culture
Afternoon break
Reinforcing your connections to culture & community
- Forging deeper connections with culture and community
- Reclaiming your cultural identity
Close of masterclass

Canberra, CBD – Venue TBC
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The event was not just engaging and amazing, it was a profound journey of education and insight for me, told through the vulnerability, passion and authenticity of the speaker. It was a deeply moving and transformative experience”
Lindsey Hewett
Department of Defence
Being in the room with such inspiring Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander leaders and emerging leaders was truly regenerative. It will be an experience that will live with me for a long time”
Cherie Hill
Department of Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development, Communications and the Arts