I am a Gomeroi and Dunghutti man born and raised in the Redfern Aboriginal community, with a passion for Indigenous Affairs, Justice Reinvestment and the South Sydney Rabbitohs. I have a passion for working with Aboriginal people, creating sustainable relationships and delivering outcomes to Aboriginal communities, which has motivated me to pursue a career in Aboriginal policy reform and program implementation.

I have a demonstrated history in Aboriginal Affairs operationalising strategy, leading the design and implementation of policy and programs relating to Aboriginal peoples with a history of leading high performing teams, strategic operational planning, advisory to c-level executives and boards, coordination and engagement of a diverse range of stakeholders to achieve organisational outcomes, whilst building a profile for driving strategic change in a complex and political organisations.

I have both lived experience and a demonstrated history working with the complex social issues within Aboriginal communities and brokering cultural, social, and economic outcomes for Aboriginal clients and communities. My understanding of Aboriginal ways of wellbeing and capability needs is the reason I have been successful in the implementation of numerous policies and programs, which achieving outcomes for Aboriginal communities. My vision has been to create culturally safe and responsive programs that authentically supports the Aboriginal communities whilst simultaneously achieving organisational outcomes.

I am a Global Atlantic Fellow for Social Equity, having completed a Masters in Social Change Leadership at the University of Melbourne. My fellowship will focus on driving Indigenous social equity along-side thousands of senior Atlantic Fellows around the world.

I have completed a Bachelor of Law and a Bachelor of Arts with a double major in Indigenous Studies and Politics from University of New South Wales (UNSW), a Certificate of Executive Management and Development at UNSW’s Australian Graduate School of Management and completed a Master of Business Administration. I have also graduated the Company Directors Course with the Australian Institute of Company Directors.