Mental Health Access & Quality in Emergency Departments

Practical strategies to reduce emergency department access block for mental health patients
Emergency department (ED) demand remains high, with mental health presentations among the most complex and challenging cases for staff. As ED’s remain the primary entry point for mental health consumers, the pressure on under-resourced public hospitals is becoming unsustainable. Without urgent attention, this will lead to longer wait times and greater challenges for staff.
As emerging models and approaches reshape how we tackle this issue, the Mental Health Access & Quality in Emergency Departments conference will uniquely bring together experts from Emergency, Nursing and Mental Health specialties to explore these solutions. In its third year, this conference will showcase fresh perspectives and case studies on interdisciplinary, clinical and non-clinical solutions that reduce access block and improve consumer outcomes.
Attend and Learn

Learn from interdisciplinary & collaborative models of care

Increase emergency diversions through clinical & non-clinical alternatives

Explore the use of innovative technology to improve emergency mental health access and care

Understand the unique challenges in rural, diverse, & acute mental health presentations
Dr Vinay Lakra
Divisional Director, Past President of The Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Psychiatrists
Northern Health
Dr Rahul Gupta
Clinical Lead, Virtual Mental Health Emergency Care, Lecturer
Hunter New England LHD, University of Newcastle
Tim Wand
Professor of Nursing and Mental Health Nurse Practitioner
University of Wollongong and Illawarra Shoalhaven Local Health District
Matteo Donato
Senior Mental Health Nurse and Program Manager, Older Adult Community Team
Royal Melbourne Hospital
What’s new in 2025?
Five practical case studies exploring successful interdisciplinary collaboration and hospital diversion to reduce pressure and demand on EDs
Critical perspectives on adolescent and geriatric mental health emergency care
18 new speakers across Emergency Medicine, Nursing, Mental Health and Psychiatry
Your event experience

Gain insights into best practices for improving mental health care in emergency setting

Receive support and guidance from experts in mental health and emergency care and leave with a toolkit of resources to enhance mental health care in your emergency department

Discover ways to work effectively with other healthcare professionals to improve patient outcomes

Discuss common challenges faced in emergency mental health care and explore innovative solutions

Examine real-world examples of successful interventions and programs that can be applied in your own practice

Connect with peers, experts, and organisations dedicated to mental health and emergency care
Who will attend
Hospital & LHD representatives with responsibilities including:
- Emergency
- Nursing
- Mental Health
- Psychiatry
- Specialists and Consultants
- Patient Flow
- Peer Work
State Government health representatives with an interest in/responsibility for:
- Mental Health / Mental & addiction health / Patient safety
Primary Health Network representatives with an interest in/responsibility for:
- Commissioning / Service Design / Mental Health reform / Mental Health

All times are shown in AEST
Acknowledgement of Country & Opening remarks

Anna Love
Chief Mental Health Nurse
Department of Health Victoria
Integrating community services & local support to reduce pressure on EDs
- Highlighting a multifaceted approach to mental health emergency presentations in the national suicide strategy
- Enhancing community well-being to reduce ED presentations requires addressing mental health and substance abuse
- Emphasising ongoing funding for Mental Health and Wellbeing Local services is vital for pre-admittance diversion

Phillipa Thomas
Chief Executive Officer
Mental Health Victoria

Kate Andrews
General Manager Mental Health & Wellbeing
Peninsula Health
Is interdisciplinary integration a factor of success? A leading model of care
- Highlighting trust as the most important element in collaborations between Emergency and Mental Health Clinicians
- Why we need to have a deep commitment to be ‘on the same side’
- Emphasising the axiom which should drive all decision-making: we are here for patient care

Dr Gonzalo Aguirrebarrena
Director of Emergency
St Vincent's Hospital Sydney

Dr Jacqueline Huber
Emergency Psychiatry Staff Specialist
St Vincent's Hospital Sydney
Morning tea
Integrating clinical & peer support in non-ED urgent care settings for long-term recovery
- Discover how a fusion model of care with a balanced integration of clinical and peer support staff empowers guests
- Exploring a staff culture of equity and non-hierarchy and a shared commitment to a patient-centred approach
- Normalising readmittance in recovery and encouraging individuals to seek help without fear of judgement or stigma

Lainy Reynolds
Clinical Service Manager
Urgent Mental Health Care Centre (UMHCC)
Bridging the gaps in mental health care within EDs
- Unpacking the difference between acute-distress patients and those with established psychiatric conditions
- Challenging the ethical and practical implications of patient responsibility within ED’s
- Doing more with less: redirecting resources within the hospital to improve mental health outcomes

Dr Vinay Lakra
Divisional Director, Past President of The Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Psychiatrists
Northern Health
Reflective roundtable session:
- In this networking session, you will have the opportunity to connect with other attendees, share what brought you to the summit and exchange your reflections on the morning sessions
Exploring & enhancing mental health care in rural EDs
- Tackling geographic isolation and resource limitations unique to rural hospitals
- Examining how local community dynamics and stigma influence mental health presentations and discuss ways to foster a supportive environment
- Exploring what programs are needed to cater specifically to the needs of rural settings, ensuring comprehensive support for mental health care delivery

Lisa Cogger
Nurse Unit Manager
Yarrawonga Health
Virtual triage assessment: Providing pre-emergency response diversion for mental health presentations
- Exploring the role of virtual triage health nurses working alongside Ambulance Victoria to successfully de-escalate crises without deploying emergency services
- Analyse the impressive success rate of ED diversion, allowing the redirection of time and resources

Shainal Nathoo
Outcome Health
Afternoon tea
Rapid response for adolescents: Enhancing emergency mental health access through integrated care
- Examining the implementation of the Rapid Response Program, tailored for adolescent emergency mental health presentations
- Enhancing access through detailed assessment and intervention in a timely manner within a trauma-informed framework
- Incorporating recommendations and linkages for ongoing care

Sara Dordevic
Emergency Mental Health Coordinator
Royal Childrens Hospital

Olga Pantazopoulos
Emergency Mental Health Coordinator
Royal Childrens Hospital Melbourne
Learning therapeutic psycho-therapy skills on the run
- Responding to individuals in acute stages of agitation and distress
- The importance of human connection, empathy, and rapport
- Harnessing key nonverbal skills such as vocal qualities and body posture
- Applying solution-focused approaches for crafting the next step forward

Tim Wand
Professor of Nursing and Mental Health Nurse Practitioner
University of Wollongong and Illawarra Shoalhaven Local Health District
Closing remarks
Acknowledgement of Country & Opening remarks

Anna Love
Chief Mental Health Nurse
Department of Health Victoria
The role of lived experience & peer support in EDs
- Exploring the importance of humanistic treatment for mental health presentations, not just clinical
- Emphasising the value of peer support and lived experience workers within EDs
- Discussing the role of lived experience workers in connecting the consumer to community

Maggie Toko
Consumer Commissioner
Mental Health and Well-Being Commission
Let’s talk hub – Treating acute mental health alcohol & drug presentations in emergency environments
- Developing a unique institution-specific model of care
- Working as a multidisciplinary team to develop, implement, review and refine best practice
- Achieving a timely response, comprehensive assessment and coordinated service
- Utilising the Hub space and model of care to maximise impact

Dr Jonty Karro
Director of Emergency Medicine
St Vincent's Melbourne

Addiction Psychiatrist
St Vincent's Melbourne

Paisley Suggett
Nurse Hub Manager
St Vincent's Melbourne

Dennis Anson
Mental Health Clinician
St Vincent's Melbourne
Morning tea
The new PACER: The reimagination of ‘Police, Ambulance & Clinical Early Response’
- Evaluating the successes and learnings of PACER as a crucial element of diversionary emergency response
- Exploring the transformation of PACER to better meet the evolving needs of the community whilst optimising resource allocation
- Utilising data-driven insights to guide this transformation, ensuring that all stakeholders benefit from enhanced collaboration and service delivery

Brad Turney
Acting Senior Sergeant, Epping Police Station
Victorian Police
Elevating nursing standards from academia to clinical practice
- Addressing the high turnover rate of ED enrolled nurses due to insufficient training
- Focusing on delivering better mental health training for general nurses to improve cross disciplinary collaboration in the ED
- Exploring the collaboration between universities, peak bodies and government to further nurse training

Adrian Armitage
Australian College of Mental Health Nurses (ACMHN)
Reflective roundtable session:
- In this networking session, you will have the opportunity to connect with other attendees and discuss your key takeaways and how you would implement them into your practice
Virtual mental health care to EDs: Barriers & facilitators
- Exploring the Northern Mental Health Emergency Care Rural Access Program (24/7 Telehealth)
- Examining the data and outcomes of telehealth assessments
- Learnings and future directions

Dr Rahul Gupta
Clinical Lead, Virtual Mental Health Emergency Care, Lecturer
Hunter New England LHD, University of Newcastle
Cultural competency in action: Unlocking mental health access for diverse communities
- Discover the systemic and individual challenges to mental health access for culturally diverse individuals and explore actionable solutions
- Reaffirming the core commitment of a patient-centred approach to diverse presentations, focusing on their unique needs
- Learn how small adjustments in behaviour and language can lead to significant improvements in the quality of care for culturally diverse patients

Jami Jones
Rainbow Health Australia

Dr Tatum Bond
Emergency Specialist
Cairns and Hinterland Hospital and Health Service
Afternoon tea
Individualised solutions & collaborative pathways in emergency mental health care
- Exploring individualised-solution building according to the specific resources of each ED for improved patient care
- Investigating alternative pathways and avenues to the emergency department through community programs and clinical diversionary teams
- Highlighting the vital role of internal and external collaboration in enhancing the effectiveness of mental health care in emergency settings

Daniel Compton
Director of Emergency Medicine
Northern Hospital Epping
The complicated care of the older adult consumer in emergency mental health
- Discussing the needs of aged mental health presentations, their families and careers
- Exploring the different risk assessments needed for older adults, as they differ from the general population
- Identifying the unique challenges in mental health care for older adults, focusing on comorbidities and cognitive decline
- Examining the difference between delirium and psychosis

Matteo Donato
Senior Mental Health Nurse and Program Manager, Older Adult Community Team
Royal Melbourne Hospital
Closing remarks & close of Summit
Redefining emergency admission pathways for mental health consumers
This workshop will be a practical session to address rising mental health presentations in Australian ED that are driven by limited capacity for direct admissions to mental health units.
Key challenges of direct admissions include unclear protocols, resource limitations, assessment delays, and legal considerations. Direct admission is crucial for reducing emergency room overcrowding, optimising resource use, ensuring continuity of care, providing timely access to treatment, and improving patient outcomes.
Participants will gain innovative strategies and fresh perspectives to shift the focus from EDs as a mere step in the admission process to more effective, supportive pathways for mental health care.
Attend & learn
- Essential components for direct admissions
- Strategies for re-building direct admission pathways
- How to clarify medical clearance in EDs to enhance direct admission processes
- How to directly admit mental health presentations to the hospital, avoiding the ED

Vijay Danivas & Shaveta Sood
Northern Area Mental Health Service
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This conference was a wonderful opportunity to combine many great minds, and open up new possibilities in the way we deliver care.”
Felix Brianton
LGBTQIA+ Consumer Peer Worker, Safe Haven, April 2024
This is my second time attending The Hatchery’s hosting of ED/MH conversations around the country. The Hatchery always delivers when it comes to bringing together health professionals far and wide who explore important, difficult conversations that matter to EDMH clinicians and the very essence that connects their passion, that is, patient outcomes!!”
Melerine Mbegabulawe
Nurse Practitioner, Nepean Blue Mountains Local Health District, April 2024
The Hatchery goes to great lengths to tailor their conferences to meet the needs of their consumers and align with current hot topics in the health care systems in Australia. Thank you for having me along!”
Belinda Dinga
Senior Occupational Therapist, Logan Hospital, April 2024
The Hatchery runs a fantastic conference, with an edge for perfection . As a facilitator they took the stress away and arranged everything I required in order to deliver my presentation. I always walk away taking some learning from the other presenters as well. The networking component is the added bonus to all the conferences I’ve attended.”
Kim Lappin
Clinical Nurse Consultant, Gold Coast Hospital and Health Service June 2023
High quality, informative presentations delivered by engaging presenters.”
Jonathan Karro
Director of Emergency Medicine, St Vincent's Melbourne June 2023
The conference was a great opportunity to reconnect with colleagues from other states/territories. The pandemic has not been easy, and our networks have eroded across the Nation. It was great to make new connections and be reminded of past relationships.”
Sharon Delahunty
Director of Nursing, Department of Health Western Australia June 2023