Adjunct Professor Alan Lilly is currently Principal of Acumenity [Health & Aged Care consulting] and an experienced Chief Executive, Board Director, Executive Mentor and Consultant. He has extensive experience across health, aged care, mental health, disability and community services, amassed over more than forty years in a range of clinical and leadership roles across public, private and not-for-profit organisations. He is also an Adjunct Professor of Australian Catholic University and a member of the Safer Care Victoria academy.

He is a Registered Psychiatric Nurse and Registered General Nurse by background, with a Graduate Diploma in Health Services Management and Master of Business in Health Administration. He is a Fellow of the Australian Institute of Company Directors, a Fellow (and Certified Health Executive) of the Australasian College of Health Service Management and a Fellow of the Institute of Managers and Leaders.

Alan was a formerly a member of the Aged Care Workforce Taskforce, the Dementia Support Australia Expert Advisory Group, a member of the National Aged Care Committee and a Director of the Aged Care Guild. As a consultant, he worked extensively on the Royal Commission into Aged Care Quality and Safety and during COVID, he was engaged by the Department of Health to undertake reviews across several individual residential aged care homes and the Australia-wide review across the aged care system.

Alan is a current Board Director of Mayflower (aged care) in Melbourne (and member of the Board Quality Advisory Committee) and a Board Director of the Royal Women’s Hospital in Melbourne (and Chair of the Board Quality & Safety Committee).