Benjamin Keast has over 20 years of experience working in the disability services sector. 

Commencing his journey with ARC at 18 as the Cert III Business Admin Trainee, Ben has worked his way up the organisation, with experience in a variety of roles including hands on supports, service coordination and operations, before moving into the role as Chief Executive Officer in 2016. 

Ben has supported his career journey with multiple qualifications, from the Cert III and IV in disability, diplomas and graduate diplomas in business and management, and finally obtaining his MBA in 2018.  

Ben is a graduate of the AICD and has held roles on a variety of committees and boards. He is currently the Chair of the Far North Queensland Disability Provider Network, a Queensland state committee members for the NDS and a Director of the Human Services Skills Organisation. 

Ben has a commitment to collaborate within the sector to improve outcomes for those we support