Kamilaroi woman Carlyn Waters is a portfolio executive that currently works between the Australian Public Service, corporate Australia and academia. She began her Australian public service career nearly 25 years ago and is currently a part time Branch Head for the Australian Government’s Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water.

She has completed a Master of Business Administration and is a part-time Fellow in the Practice of Business with the Australian National University’s College of Business and Economics. Carlyn is a program mentor for the award-winning Graduate Certificate in Management that ANU delivers to Indigenous public servants.

She is a co-founder and director of two businesses: Cultivate Indigenous and Gali-Ford that are focussed on improving employment and career outcomes for Indigenous people.

In her spare time, she is an experienced Non-Executive Director and currently sits on two not-for-profit boards that allow her to focus on her commitment to the environment and education. The Foundation of National Parks and Wildlife helps protect Australia’s unique biodiversity and the Stars Foundation provides opportunities for young Indigenous girls and women to be supported through their secondary education.

Carlyn is known for identifying and growing talent whether it be team leaders in the public service or directors on corporate boards. Carlyn believes that you can’t be, what you can’t see and won’t rest until there are diverse voices on Australian boards and in senior leadership teams.

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