Carrie Hayter is the Managing Director of Carrie Hayter Consulting and an active member of the Australian Association of Gerontology. She has over 25 years’ experience working in aged, community care and disability services in Australia and the United Kingdom.  She has undergraduate qualifications in Social Work (with honours) and post graduate qualifications in Economics (with honours). Since 2005, Carrie Hayter Consulting have worked with over 500 social care agencies across Australia in implementing wellness, reablement and consumer directed approaches. In 2010, Carrie Hayter Consulting worked with Alt Beatty Consulting on mapping enablement and wellness approaches for community care services for the NSW Government. Since 2012, Carrie Hayter Consulting has educated over 1000 front-line workers in implementing wellness approaches. In 2012/13 Carrie Hayter was a PhD student researching the consumer rights movement for older people in Australia which is currently being turned into a book.