Leading with integrity, accountability and transparency, I have forged a 20-year career delivering generational reforms with quantifiable and meaningful impact for citizens. From the implementation of NDIS to reforms to early childhood education, I have transformed public service thinking and delivery to provide opportunity and close the gaps of disadvantage.
My strength is in driving the pace and momentum of social change – and my differentiator is in results. From a fast-track career with the UK Civil Service including time in the Prime Minister’s Delivery Unit, to leadership roles with the Australian Federal and NSW Government, I have played key roles in delivering Prime Ministers’ priorities, establishing the NDIS and most recently, in leading the largest Education system in the southern hemisphere. Through these roles I have honed my skills in organisational leadership, strategy, operating models, portfolio management and governance. I bring a uniquely broad perspective on social, economic and political matters and the forces of change – and inertia – that impact successful delivery.