Melanie leads the newly formed Crown Lands and Local Government group in the Department Planning and Environment NSW.
Melanie leads the organisational vision, direction and operations of strategic public land and asset management, providing economic, social, cultural and environmental benefits for the people of NSW.
In 2021 Melanie delivered Crown Land 2031, the first ever State Strategic Plan for Crown Land. This plan sets the strategic vision for the agency and priorities for the use and activation of Crown land for the next ten years, with an aim to optimise the delivery of value from public assets valued at $12 billion and play a key role in the realisation of Aboriginal land rights. The Office of Local Government exists to support the local government sector – 128 Councils and has a policy, legislative, investigative and program remit.
Melanie has over 25 years of experience in the public and private sectors, and has held executive roles spanning policy, operations and service delivery. With a passion for contributing to social justice and equity in NSW, Melanie has contributed to the design and implementation of the National Disability Insurance Scheme, worked in youth justice – striving for a reduction in the number of young people in the NSW criminal justice system, and the expansion of early intervention and crisis support services in youth justice.