23-24 Oct 2024
Whadjak Noongar Country WA | Pan Pacific Perth & Online

Ending Coercive Control & Family Violence

Forging whole-of-systems approaches to improve responses to keep women and children safe

Adopting a comprehensive response to reduce coercive control and violence

System responses to family violence are often based on physical violence and are incident-based, yet we know that coercive control is based on patterns of behaviour.

To keep women and children safe, urgent shifts and action is needed, at a system and practice level, to better understand and respond to gendered violence.

This conference will provide an important platform to unite changemakers and collectively address how we can forge new pathways. We’ll focus on how to shift from incident-based responses and towards collaborative wrap-around approaches.

Connect with peers across frontline services, government, peak bodies, legal services, academia, and more to discuss the criminalisation of coercive control, whole-of-systems responses, and the prevention of violence.

View our video for a reflective glimpse into the discussions at our recent Ending Coercive Control, Family & Domestic Violence Conference in Sydney.


Key benefits

Who will attend 


Relevant for representatives from the NGO Community, ACCOS, Government, Police & Justice sectors, with roles & responsibilities including:


  • Family & Domestic Violence Services
  • Intimate Partner & Sexual Assault Services
  • Women’s Services, Shelters & Refuges
  • Children’s Services & Child Protection
  • Men’s Behaviour Change
  • CALD, Refugee, Migrant & Immigration Services
  • Alcohol & Other Drugs
  • Legislative Change & Reform of Family Law
  • Healing, Recovery, & Therapeutic Services


All times are shown in AWST

For our online participants in the AEDT time zone, the event commences off at 12:00 PM AEDT.


All times are shown in AWST

For our online participants in the AEDT time zone, Workshop B commences off at 12:00 PM (AEDT) and Workshop C at 4:00 PM (AEDT)

25 October 2024
9:00 am - 12:00 pm

Confronting stories and challenging presentations take a toll.


Professionals working with complex trauma engage with highly traumatised individuals. Bearing witness to the suffering of others can shift and change our worldview, leading to a reassessment of assumptions about personal safety and the safety of loved ones. 

Impacts are often cumulative and can affect mental and physical well-being, personal relationships, and professional capacity. Support to address the impact of your work on your health and well-being is vital.

This workshop will help with strategies for what you can do differently to actively reduce the emotional toll and build resilience.

Attend & learn how to:

  • Gain a heightened understanding of vicarious trauma,  secondary traumatic stress, compassion fatigue, burnout, grief & moral injury
  • Identify how post-traumatic transference & countertransference impact & play out
  • Comprehend the signs & symptoms of vicarious trauma in yourself & others
  • Apply self-care strategies to ensure you protect yourself & build resilience as a high-exposure worker
  • Safeguard & enhance your emotional well-being & ability to effectively perform your job

NB: Before the workshop, you will receive a Vicarious Trauma, Compassion Fatigue, and Burn-out assessment and Vicarious Trauma checklist, to complete and use as your guide during the training.

Naomi Halpern

Naomi Halpern


Delphi Training & Consulting

25 October 2024
1:00 pm - 4:00 pm

To support the safety and recovery of women, organisations and practitioners must have the right practices in place to work therapeutically alongside women. It is pivotal that women in crisis can recognise where they resisted violence to maintain their dignity and respect.

You will gain practical tools and knowledge to identify resistance when working alongside women, have informed conversations, understand the importance of language, and support women in parenting post-family violence.  You will also learn how to respond to women in crisis and implement learnings from case studies into your practice. 

Attend & learn how to:

  • Engage women in therapeutic practice 
  • Support women to identify resistance 
  • Develop the conversations & language you use
  • Adapt approaches to supporting parenting post-family violence
Susan Elvery

Susan Elvery

Team Leader Family Safety program – Sydney City Centre

Relationships Australia NSW

23-24 October 2024
9:00 AM - 4:40 PM (AWST)


Pan Pacific Perth

Perth, Whadjak Noongar Country WA & Online

Learn from anywhere with our interactive online technology.


Book now and save with our early bird pricing

Save up until 2 Aug



Early bird pricing

Save $500


  • Book a conference ticket & all workshops to save an additional $100

Save up until 23 Aug



Early bird pricing

Save $300


  • Book a conference ticket & all workshops to save an additional $100


Save up until 20 Sep



Early bird pricing

Save $200


  • Book a conference ticket & all workshops to save an additional $100

Save up until 4 Oct



Early bird pricing

Save $100


  • Book a conference ticket & all workshops to save an additional $100

Standard rate after early bird




  • Book a conference ticket & all workshops to save an additional $100


Save up untill 2 Aug



Early bird pricing

Save $500


  • Book a conference ticket & all workshops to save an additional $100


Save up untill 23 Aug



Early bird pricing

Save $300


  • Book a conference ticket & all workshops to save an additional $100

Save up untill 20 Sep



Early bird pricing

Save $200


  • Book a conference ticket & all workshops to save an additional $100

Save up untill the 4 Oct



Early bird pricing

Save $100


  • Book a conference ticket & all workshops to save an additional $100

Standard prices after early bird



  • Book a conference ticket & all workshops to save an additional $100


Vendor pricing


Save up untill the 2 Aug



Early bird pricing

Save $500


  • Book an online conference ticket & both online workshops to save an additional $100

Save up untill the 23 Aug



Early bird pricing

Save $300


  • Book an online conference ticket & both online workshops to save an additional $100

Save up untill the 20 Sep



Early bird pricing

Save $200


  • Book an online conference ticket & both online workshops to save an additional $100

Save up untill the 4 Oct



Early bird pricing

Save $100


  • Book an online conference ticket & both online workshops to save an additional $100

Standard rate after early bird




  • Book an online conference ticket & both online workshops to save an additional $100

Save up untill the 2 Aug



Early bird pricing

Save $500


  • Book an online conference ticket & both online workshops to save an additional $100

Save up untill the 23 Aug



Early bird pricing

Save $300


  • Book an online conference ticket & both online workshops to save an additional $100

Save up untill the 20 Sep



Early bird pricing

Save $200


  • Book an online conference ticket & both online workshops to save an additional $100

Save up untill the 4 Oct



Early bird pricing

Save $100


  • Book an online conference ticket & both online workshops to save an additional $100

Standard prices after early bird




  • Book an online conference ticket & both online workshops to save an additional $100

Vendor Pricing



Bring your colleagues and save with a group discount

Groups of 5-8 save 10%
Groups of 9-11 save 15%
Groups of 12+ save 20%

The Hatchery Impact Program

The Hatchery is committed to ensuring this conference is inclusive and accessible – even when budgetary or financial constraints might be a barrier. The Hatchery Impact Program supports this by offering a small number of guest passes for representatives of small NGOs or other interested individuals who may not otherwise be able to pay to attend and who wish to join this important conversation.  To apply, please complete this short online application.


If you have any questions, please contact impactprogram@the-hatchery.co
What our previous attendees had to say
Event Supporters