The Hon. Jihad Dib, MP
Minister for Youth Justice, Minister for Emergency Services, Minister for Customer Service and Digital Government
Focusing on prevention, intervention, diversion, and recovery, the Transforming Indigenous Justice Conference will inform and enable knowledge sharing on critical topics including justice reinvestment, empowering communities, alternatives to remand and incarceration, and preventing continuing harm to young people.
Through storytelling, reflection, and connection, this conference will elevate the voice and choice of First Nations women, children & men. Approaches will be explored that address the causes and drivers of contact with the criminal justice system as well as projects that have embedded meaningful outcomes.
The discussion will tackle the root causes leading to interactions with the criminal justice system and shine a spotlight on successful programs that have delivered place-based community-driven alternatives to detention.
Minister for Youth Justice, Minister for Emergency Services, Minister for Customer Service and Digital Government
Yorta Yorta & Indian woman,
Commissioner for Aboriginal Children and Young People Victoria
Youth Koori Court
Child and Adolescent Health, Faculty of Medicine and Health and Consultant Paediatrician and Head of the NSW FASD Assessment Service
Sydney Children's Hospital Network, Westmead
National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Women’s Alliance (NATSIWA)
Aboriginal Cultural Practice and Capability Manager & Men's Services Coordinator
Goldfields Hope Community Services & Mara Pirni Healing Place
The South Australian Guardian for Children and Young People, Training Centre Visitor
Kurlana Tapa Youth Justice Centre & Director, Winston Churchill Memorial Trust
Youth Justice Family Led Decision Making
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Community Health Service Brisbane
Invest in early intervention, prevention, & diversion
Disrupt justice system cycles for First Nations youths & young adults
Create & sustain place-based, community-led & collective impact approaches
Deconstruct what healing looks like & support transformative healing
Foster self-determination and empowerment both within & around the justice system
Enact culturally sensitive justice measures alongside robust support services tailored to individual needs
Representatives of federal and state government, legal services, police, justice, corrective services, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander community organisations, youth justice, domestic and family violence services, child protection and safety, and NFPs including those responsible for:
Engage with compelling keynotes, panel discussions, and genuine reflection time in a culturally safe forum of shared wisdom, knowledge, and insight
Build on and connect with a strong network of First Nations women and men who lead responses and approaches to disrupting interactions with the criminal justice system
Real-world learning with practical examples, case studies, and lived experiences
Build new connections with like-minded peers across sectors, forging lasting relationships to support interagency collaboration
Walk away with the ideas, knowledge, and information to implement in your organisation to re-frame, reimagine and repurpose your work for your clients and community
The advisory team consists of experienced practitioners who are passionate, experienced, and committed to change, innovation, and evolution.
This team is involved in an ongoing thought-leadership capacity. They also lent their experience to this event and provided guidance and insight during the development and design process.
The Hatchery would like to thank them for their participation, time, contribution, and insight.
Times are shown in AEST
The Hon. Jihad Dib, MP
Minister for Youth Justice, Minister for Emergency Services, Minister for Customer Service and Digital Government
Debra Moyle
Project Manager, & Justice Lead
Tiraapendi Wodli & Australian Red Cross
Participants will discuss healing at a systems and individual level. Conversation will be directed towards the following (not finite) subjects:
Ivan Clarke
Founding Director
Claude Robinson
Rainbow Lodge
Lukas Williams
Gan'na Healing
Transforming clinical legal education for non-Indigenous lawyers
Candice Hughes
YFS Legal, YFS
Latoya Aroha Rule
Research Associate & PhD Candidate
Jumbunna Institute-Research
Take ten minutes to pause, reflect, chat, walk or whatever you need at this moment.
Her Honour Magistrate Sue Duncombe, Children’s Court of NSW and Presiding Magistrate
Youth Koori Court
Aunty Glendra Stubbs
Youth Koori Court
Aunty Zeta Thomson is a respected Elder and descendant of the Yarra Yarra Clan of the Wurundjeri people through her father and grandfather, Alexander Briggs, and is a descendant of the Ulupna Clan of the Yorta Yorta people on her mother and grandmother, Teresa (Yarmuk) Clements’ side.
Tiana and Aunty Zeta will chat and share about her experiences within justice including her work as a volunteer with the Independent Prison Visitor (IPV) Scheme, The Koori Justice Forum, and the Aboriginal Advisory Committee for the IPV Scheme.
Tiana Koehrer
Manager, Aboriginal Programs
Ravenhall Correctional Centre & The GEO Group
Aunty Zeta Thomson
Advocate for the rights of Aboriginal Victorians
Lukas Williams
Gan'na Healing
At their tables, attendees are invited to interact and share their experiences of the day and reflect on what they have learned, what has inspired or challenged them, and what’s come up from what they have experienced and heard.
Vanessa Turnbull-Roberts
Inaugural Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Children and Young People Commissioner for the Australian Capital Territory (ACT)
Shona Reid
The South Australian Guardian for Children and Young People, Training Centre Visitor
Kurlana Tapa Youth Justice Centre & Director, Winston Churchill Memorial Trust
Casey McMurtrie
Senior Project Officer Youth Justice - Member Services
Queensland Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Child Protection Peak (QATSICPP)
Jess Evans
Youth Justice Family Led Decision Making
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Community Health Service Brisbane
Shaun Braybrook
General Manager
Wulgunggo Ngalu Learning Place
Stephen Morrison
Aboriginal Cultural Practice and Capability Manager & Men's Services Coordinator
Goldfields Hope Community Services & Mara Pirni Healing Place
Claude Robinson
Rainbow Lodge
Nathan Schmaltz
Current client, Rainbow Lodge Walama Program, & Participant
NSW District Court Walama List trial
Wendy Anders
National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Women’s Alliance (NATSIWA)
The overrepresentation of Indigenous youth in the criminal justice system is a national crisis. In this interactive guided discussion, panellists will unpack the realities of Indigenous youth over-representation in our criminal justice system. The discussion will address:
Meena Singh
Yorta Yorta & Indian woman,
Commissioner for Aboriginal Children and Young People Victoria
Judge Sarah Hopkins
District Court of New South Wales
Harry Whitting
Youth Justice Project Officer, Practice and Implementation Team
Youth Justice NSW, Department of Communities and Justice NSW
Jacob Tumanako
A/Senior Policy Officer, Whole of Government Initiatives Team
Youth Justice NSW, Department of Communities and Justice NSW
At their tables, attendees are invited to interact and share their experiences of the day and reflect on what they have learned, what has inspired or challenged them, and what’s come up from what they have experienced and heard.
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The Hatchery is committed to ensuring this conference is inclusive and accessible – even when budgetary or financial constraints might be a barrier. The Hatchery Impact Program supports this by offering a small number of guest passes for representatives of small NGOs or other interested individuals who may not otherwise be able to pay to attend and who wish to join this important conversation. To apply, please complete this short online application
Being with all those amazing women and men was life-changing.”
Women’s Engagement Worker, BDAC
Very rare to have a gathering of Indigenous peoples from across the country providing education, experience, and knowledge from their professional skill sets and lived experiences on a topic that needs to be yarned about.”
Principal Social Worker, Kimberley Community Legal Services
A well-organised event that brought the cross-section of elements to the table, to inspire change and action.”
Chief Superintendent, Southern Queensland Correctional Centre
The array of speakers inspired me and my team to go back to our community to implement ideas discussed at the Conference.”
CEO, Thiyama-li FV Indigenous Corporation