Governance in Aged Care: Governing Through Change
Positioning your organisation to successfully lead & govern through the complexities of change
Legislated changes from 1 December 2023 have strengthened provider governance responsibilities concerning the governing body, and have placed clear accountability on boards for the quality and safety of aged care.
Whilst aged care governing bodies don’t directly participate in service delivery, they have a critical responsibility to be well-informed of their requirements under the revised Aged Care Quality Standards. It is essential that they are able to work effectively with executives, staff and participants and have the structures in place to govern with the rights of the participant at the centre of care.
Bringing together experts, industry leaders and key stakeholders, The Council on The Ageing (COTA) Australia and The Hatchery’s Governance in Aged Care: Governing Through Change conference will address the complexities of governing through reform. Across two days, this conference will explore the new responsibilities of governing bodies and empower aged care leaders to implement robust governance practices and stay ahead of change.
Melina Morrison
Chief Executive Officer
Business Council of Co-operatives and Mutuals (BCCM)
David Brown
Professor, Co-Founder and Co-Director of the UTS Ageing Research Collaborative (UARC)
University of Technology Sydney
Louise Greene
Chair of the Clinical Governance Committee, Advantage Aged Care Group
and Chair of the Quality, Risk and Care Committee, Luson Aged Care, Director, Verde Consulting
Dr Melanie Tan
Independent Clinical Governance & Medico-legal Consultant
Dr Melanie Tan Consulting
Anna Millicer
Founder and Consumer and Quality Advisory Body Facilitator
Get Smart Aged Care Consultancy
Why attend

Learn how to improve your governance structures & enhance leadership skills to drive the cultural change required to ensure quality in aged care

Unpack how you can govern with authenticity & impact, ensuring the participant voice is embedded at the centre of care

Be informed on how to embed participant trust and confidence in your service & the expectations of older Australians accessing aged care services

Explore alternative & innovative approaches to organisational governance & how you can govern differently through reform

What to expect
- Gain up-to-date insights from the Complaints Commissioner on the Quality and Safety Commission’s work to build a culture of open disclosure in aged care
- Hear directly from experts, governance leaders and unique out-of-sector perspectives on how to govern effectively through change
- Walk away with clarity on your legal and regulatory requirements under the updated Aged Care Quality Standards
- An excellent opportunity to hear directly from and network with key leaders, participants and provides in the aged care sector
Who will attend
Chairs, Board Members, Chief Executives and General Managers from Residential Aged Care & Home & Community Care Providers, with roles & responsibilities for:
- Governance
- Operations
- Quality & Care
- Clinical
- Risk & Compliance

Welcome to Country
Opening remarks from the MC
The role of governing bodies & executives in achieving a strong culture of care
- Defining organisational culture and leading from the top down
- Building a culture of continuous improvement across all levels of the organisation
- Centering quality of care and positive participant outcomes at the forefront of decision-making

Claerwen Little
National Director
UnitingCare Australia

Rachel Argaman
Chief Executive Officer
Opal HealthCare

Liesel Wett
Chair, Goodwin Aged Care & Chief Executive Officer, Australian Pathology
& Non-Executive Director, Australian Institute of Company Directors

Janet Muir
Chief Executive Officer
RSL LifeCare
Improving board composition: A step towards better governance
- Cultivating a diverse, skills-based board to champion the purpose of the organisation and client quality of life
- Identifying the literacy and skills required of board members to govern with impact
- Changing trends and requirements in board composition and governance under changes to the Aged Care Quality Standards

Phil Butler
Not-for-Profit Sector Leader
Australian Institute of Company Directors (AICD)
Morning break
Ageism in board considerations
- Unpacking the types of ageism and how ageism might impact your governance and decision making
- Ensuring the design and implementation of your governance is free of ageism and age discrimination

Pat Sparrow
Chief Executive Officer
COTA Australia
Interactive session
Engage in this dynamic exchange of ideas and collaborative problem-solving with your peers, exploring key sector challenges and innovations in aged care governance.
Lunch break
What do participants expect from organisational governance?
In this session, you will hear directly from aged care participants on what they expect from aged care providers. Understand how you can meaningfully engage with participants and ensure their voice is not only heard but acted on in your organisational governance.

Beverly Baker
Older Women’s Network NSW

Gwenda Darling
Participant Representative
Resetting risk & governance in aged care
- Linking governance and risk management to safe, quality care
- Embedding a person-centred approach to risk management that balances duty of care with the right of an older person to take risk
- The importance of continuous quality management and strengthening risk management processes

Bruce Bailey
Managing Director
Pride Living Group
Governance: What’s data got to do with it?
- The role of data in exercising good governance and quality of care
- Using data visualisation to communicate improvement opportunities and enable timely response
- Promoting collective ownership and a positive quality culture through inclusive reporting functions at all organisational levels

A/Professor Lahn Straney
Chief Scientific Officer
MOA Benchmarking
Afternoon break
Co-opetition & collaboration between providers as a pathway to a sustainable aged care sector
- Creating and sustaining partnerships in the sector and making the most of collaborative advantage
- How partnerships and alliances between competing organisations can lead to systematic innovation in the aged care sector

David Brown
Professor, Co-Founder and Co-Director of the UTS Ageing Research Collaborative (UARC)
University of Technology Sydney
Pursuing excellence in aged care beyond clinical compliance
- Understanding clinical governance as the delivery of care beyond standards and compliance
- Reframing the ‘clinical’ in clinical governance
- Improving clinical governance frameworks to support optimal patient outcomes, particularly where clinical care is not provided

Dr Melanie Tan
Independent Clinical Governance & Medico-legal Consultant
Dr Melanie Tan Consulting
Closing remarks
Opening remarks from the MC
Improving complaints handling & building a culture of open disclosure & improved care
- Effective complaints handling and its role in upholding the principles of fairness and transparency
- Identifying what is required of providers for successful complaints resolution
- How the Commission is working to strengthen complaint handling processes for continuous improvement

Louise Macleod
Aged Care Complaints Commissioner
Aged Care Quality and Safety Commission
Apollo Care’s vision & strategy for good corporate governance
- Good corporate governance with consideration to the new Act, ASIC and the ACNC
- The necessities for preparing and onboarding directors to ensure they are equipped and compliant
Integrating the consumer voice in corporate governance

Stephen Becsi OAM
Chief Executive Officer, Apollo Care
& Chairman of the Board, Charingfield Aged Care Community & Bundaleer Care Operations Ltd

Lauren Barnett
Company Secretary
Company Secretary Australia
Morning break
The unique challenges of governing in a changing aged care sector
- Understanding what is required of aged care providers to navigate increasingly complex regulatory and operational challenges
- Enabling governing bodies to execute organisational transformation through responsive and adaptable governance structures

Megan Motto
Chief Executive Officer
Governance Institute of Australia
Shifting the strategic direction of your organisation & innovating for change
- Positioning your organisation for greater success through change, renewal, and transformational growth
- Informing good practice through incorporating innovation into your strategic goals and planning
- Navigating the challenges of transformational periods

Lucy O’Flaherty
Chief Executive Officer
Columbia Aged Care Services

Imelda Lynch
ACH Group
Lunch break
Co-operatives & mutuals as a way of managing your services
- Exploring the potential for the co-op model to innovate and reform the way aged care is governed and operated
- Using this unique model to hold providers accountable for outcomes so older people are cared for with dignity and respect

Melina Morrison
Chief Executive Officer
Business Council of Co-operatives and Mutuals (BCCM)
Fostering a robust charity sector focused on principles of transparency & accountability
- Taking a proactive approach to compliance and collaborating with the sector to prevent the escalation of emerging problems
- Identifying common governance concerns and highlighting the importance of robust governance frameworks
- Implementing robust policies and procedures that foster effective governance practices for long-term success

Sue Woodward
Australian Charities and Not-for-profits Commission (ACNC)
Afternoon break
Establishing & operating a consumer advisory body
- Exploring the process of engaging Helping Hand consumers through an established consumer advisory body
- Ensuring membership is inclusive and reflective of the diversity of consumers, the voices, and shared experiences of residential and home care communities
- Reflecting on how consumer feedback and real-life experiences have informed the way our service is governed and operated

Chris Stewart
Chief Executive Officer
Helping Hand
Working backwards towards good governance
- Using the quality of the participant experience and care as a key indicator of good governance
- Understanding the participant experience and using feedback to inform organisational governance
- Connecting operational outcomes with organisational governance frameworks
- Establishing and operating a consumer advisory body to involve participants in the development and delivery of care and services

Dr Cathy Balding
Qualityworks PL

Louise Greene
Chair of the Clinical Governance Committee, Advantage Aged Care Group
and Chair of the Quality, Risk and Care Committee, Luson Aged Care, Director, Verde Consulting

Anna Millicer
Founder and Consumer and Quality Advisory Body Facilitator
Get Smart Aged Care Consultancy
Closing remarks & close of conference
Times are shown in AEST
How to strengthen organisational governance & culture to improve your care & service delivery
There is a critical need for providers to ensure their operations are underpinned by robust governance systems, supported by strong leadership which sets a culture of responsibility and continuous improvement across the entire organisation.
This workshop is a unique opportunity to unpack the evolving roles and responsibilities of the board and executives in organisational governance, explore approaches to transforming your organisational culture which translate concepts and theory into practice, and solutions for setting strategic priorities for your organisation to deliver high quality care and services.
What you will takeaway
- Unpack the critical roles & responsibilities of the board & executives in good organisational governance and the tensions this creates with new regulatory expectations for aged care governance
- Explore solutions & processes of transforming culture in your organisation & how you can adapt & scale these solutions to apply directly to your organisation structure according to its size and scope
- Discover practical strategies to drive collaboration between boards, executives, whole of organisation & other key stakeholders in governance
- Develop your organisation’s strategic & systematic approach to implementing changes under reform & changing standards

Donna Dark
Principal Consultant and Owner
Lighthouse Advisory Services

Sydney Pullman Hyde Park
36 College Street, Darlinghurst
Gadigal Land | Sydney, NSW 2010
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The event was well organised, speakers were experienced and articulate and the panel sessions were well delivered. Thank you for an informative couple of days”
Judi Barrett-Lennard
Industry Engagement Officer
An inspirational few days, with excellent words from the Commission and all keynote speakers. Thank you for the honest, transparent approach”
Elizabeth Platten
Executive Officer and Director of Nursing
A very informative and relevant event, which covered a wide range of topics with exceptionally knowledgeable and engaging presenters”
Lesley Nankivell
HomeServe Manager
Thank you for an excellent conference. Preparing for the New Aged Care Act had a great mix of views, expertise and sessions. It gave us so much food for thought and a much greater appreciation of the importance of understanding the legal implications while ensuring we are not boxed in so we can deliver the best person centred care going forward. It takes courage to lead in this sector and is not for the faint hearted. Very glad two of our Board members joined us.
Sara Blunt